Teresa Dabney Teresa Dabney


Family, friends, food, football, fun…

We know today means a lot of different things to many people. We pray your day is thanks-full!

PW365 2019 Thanksgiving (1).png

We’d love to hear from you. Share in the comment section below something/someone you are thankful for.

And remember to subscribe to get updates directly in your inbox.

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Reminder, Equip, Encouragement Jannie Wilson Reminder, Equip, Encouragement Jannie Wilson

Diligently Seek Him


Dear Jesus, we need you right now and we are trusting you that you are at work in our lives for your glory, honor, and praise.  
We trust you with ALL our heart and we will not lean on our own understanding.
We stand with our brothers and sisters who are struggling to believe and we ask you right now to strengthen and encourage them in their hearts as only you can, in your name we pray, amen!!!

Dear brothers and sisters, don't stop believing what God has spoken to your hearts whether it has been:





Remember…God is a rewarder of those who don't stop seeking Him and believe all that He has declared over their life, in His Word, will come to pass. 

Have faith...trust Him. Show faith…diligently. Activate faith…seek Him. Let this be your first response to the desire/need to “do something.”

Yes, your circumstances may be hard… but don’t give up!

Today seek Him while He may be found, call on Him while He is near!!!

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Jannie Wilson Jannie Wilson

The Thorn In My Side

Brothers & Sisters,

Graphic courtesy of YouVersion

Graphic courtesy of YouVersion

I encourage you to remain confident in God and faithful that ALL things truly work together for the good of those who love Him. Surrender to His will and plan for your life, 24/7/365. Yes, even when it’s hard. Today, I’m sharing a writing that my Mighty Savior (MS) gave me when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS.)

There is nothing like “a thorn in the side” to expose your mortality and reveal the limitations of your flesh.

I was diagnosed with MS in January 2010, since then, the limitations of my flesh have served as a constant reminder that this life is temporary. That it should be appreciated for the things that bring eternal rewards. Embracing an eternal perspective helps me to focus on what matters most… “relationships.”

Since my diagnosis my faith has increased and my relationship with God has been strengthened. My family has always been important to me, however, now I treasure my time with them even more. Loving people has always been the goal of my heart.

It is too easy to get distracted by day-to-day business. Too easy to forget to focus time and attention on relationships. Now I see the expense of not taking time to cultivate and develop a relationship with God and people. Treasuring people, taking time to make an eternal difference in someone’s life that’s important, that’s what we are created for.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Resisting the urge to focus on my limitations allows me to stay engaged with eternal weightier matters. No, it is not easy! But, each new day affords me a privilege and opportunity to use the resources that I do have to improve the quality of life for someone else. Perseverance and prayer have been the keys that help me inspire others to make an impact for eternity.

Life is short. Live on purpose.

So while this “thorn in my side,” painful, every day I choose to live on purpose for the Kingdom. Because…

is greater than
the diagnosis “MS”

I choose to inspire others to be motivated and to live with an eternal perspective. To encourage them to take the time to: be kind, to listen, to mentor, to pray with and for someone, to teach someone some of your life lessons.

As has been said, “if life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”
Just remember, you must choose, “how sweet to make the lemonade.”

The “thorn in my side” causes me to treasure each day I am given to make a difference for eternity! I am truly grateful for the journey that I am on.

What about you, how are you using the thorn in your side to make an eternal difference?

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Faith Teresa Dabney Faith Teresa Dabney

TODAY IS Your Do-over

Lamentations 3: 22-23 [ESV]

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[a] his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Sunrise over AFA, CO

Sunrise over AFA, CO

Not too long ago, after a very long day, no long week, I was feeling a case of the “would of, could of, should of’s” beginning to take over. I was distracted and wasn’t getting much of anything done. I knew if I stayed on this path too long I’d end up stuck or worse depressed. Sound familiar?

I was wishing I could just start over, I wanted a do-over, when the scripture “His mercies are new every morning,” came to mind. I had to smile because… God is faithful! In that moment, with just part of a verse, here are 3 things He reminded me of:

You have to encourage yourself in the Lord. I used to say (to others and myself) that I could not memorize Bible verses until someone reminded me of the power of my own words over my spirit. So, I stopped saying what I couldn’t do and started praying what I needed.

Be Careful… Don’t let believing you can’t
give you an excuse not to try, and keep trying

It’s important to hide His Word in your heart. Now, God’s faithfulness pulls the Word that I do know out of my heart when I need it most. And, He continues to provide people, tools, and resources to help me learn, study, fill my heart more with His Word and grow.

Surrender what you have, God will do the rest.

We get a daily do-over. I don’t need to wait for the new year or the new week. What the Lord put on my heart was that today… and every moment I take a breath is an opportunity for a do-over!

No, I can’t change yesterday, last week, or that thing that happened years ago. But God has changed me. And now, whenever I choose to accept His STEADFAST LOVE and His INFINITE MERCY I get a do-over. I choose to walk in faith toward the promises HE has ahead for me.

Family, Today IS your do-over…what will you do with it?

Lord, thank you for your steadfast love and infinite mercy,
thank you for my do-over!

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Jannie Wilson Jannie Wilson

Stand Firm

Brothers and sisters,

Have you found yourself up against what seems like a brick wall? Do your circumstances make it impossible to see anything except what is in front of you? Maybe you feel as though nothing is going to change? If so, don’t give up!

Dear Lord help me not be weary of doing good, give me the strength to stand firm on your Word. Help me moment by moment to be obedient to your Word, amen.


Brothers and sisters,

Have you found yourself up against what seems like a brick wall? Do your circumstances make it impossible to see anything except what is in front of you? Maybe you feel as though nothing is going to change? If so, don’t give up!

Stand firm on the Word of God - obey His Word even when it's hard. The very nature of allowing ourselves to be a living sacrifice is to extend God’s grace to others when they deserve it the least and we least feel like doing it. God’s word is the foundation.

Be immoveable. Let nothing move you - during the storms of life be rooted and grounded in God's Word. We become rooted and grounded when we cultivate our relationship with the Lord, by learning what His Word says, and applying it to our lives.

Surrender to the Lord. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, surrender to His Word 24/7/365 in your home, at work, at play. This takes “practice.” This is a “practice” living out what we say we believe. Giving ourselves over to allow the Lord to work on us, in us, and through us. As we work out your soul salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord.

Remember nothing is wasted. Your labor, in the Lord, is not in vain and nothing we do is wasted in God!!! Our God takes everything we offer and once applied to His purpose fulfills His intended need. We may not always be able to see the end result or the whole of it,

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