Reminder, Encouragement, Equip Teresa Dabney Reminder, Encouragement, Equip Teresa Dabney

Share Joy

Hello Family, Happy New Year! Whether you’re relieved the old year is over, excited about a fresh start or a little of both you have a reason to praise and a testimony to go with it. And that is a reason to share joy!

In the first two parts of our JOY series, Jannie & I shared how to Find Joy that's already inside you and reminded you that to Choose Joy you have to surrender to God's will and His plans.

But how can we share JOY?


“Fear not!” Those words the angels announced in Hebrews 2:10 were to calm the shepherds’ fear.  And then, “behold” or take a minute, listen to focus. Not on the messenger or the delivery system but on the message.  Can you remember your reaction the last time you received good news? No, great news. Did your attitude change? Did your outlook change? Did you share it? The good news the angels delivered was intended for all people, it was meant to be shared. And, it still needs to be shared. 

So, how can we share joy amid real-life, the life behind our picture perfect FB/IG posts? I won’t pretend to have a perfect answer for you, we are all different and at different places.  But what I want to share are two more practical things you can do to help you find, choose, and share joy.

#1 Share what you have and where you are with God. Just take it to Him. Yes, He already knows but this is an act of surrender on your part. Just as we had to accept Christ in our lives we also have to 1) accept God’s help, 2) acknowledge that “He can,” and 3) accept His help on His terms, 4) expect His answer but don’t lose sight of what He’s already given you to do until then.

#2 Live for God. Maybe this is just a reminder for you.  If so, here’s your (and my) challenge. Keep this in the front of your mind… all day! Ahead of what your kids did that made you question their sanity or your own. Ahead of what your spouse did or didn’t do today or ever. Ahead of the neighbor situation, the political climate, your biggest disappointment, the crazy drivers, the inconsiderate person who “fill-in,” and this is important… ahead of how you “feel.” No, I’m not telling you to ignore any of it or discount how you feel.

I’m challenging you to talk to God about 1) your first response to any of it, 2) how to live through all of it, AND 3) how and when to share your story for His purpose.

#3 Share your story.

That night the angels came and shared the good news of Christ's birth and it was to bring JOY to all.

Family, as Christians we live in what happened next!  After the blessing of Christ’s birth. We are living out the impact of His life, the grace of His death, and the power of His resurrection! 

We have been reborn and our relationship with our Heavenly Father restored. We have been given a Helper, the Holy Spirit, and the power to accomplish or overcome things we could not do alone. 

No matter what your past year or life was like... it is in your past. God is the only one that has already planned and established your future. (Jeremiah 29:11 & Ephesians 2:10) Trust Him. 

We encourage you to make 2020 a year of renewed focus living for God!”

Lead with that and JOY (and everything else) will follow.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the greatest gift I can ever receive. Thank you for sending your precious Son Jesus to live, die, and rise all to pay a debt I could never repay. Lord, thank you for bringing me to this point and not leaving me where I was. Lord, thank you for each day ahead that you have numbered for my life. Lord my joy is in you. Let me learn to choose joy and help me share joy with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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Encouragement, Challenge, Equip, Faith, Reminder Jannie Wilson Encouragement, Challenge, Equip, Faith, Reminder Jannie Wilson

Choose Joy

Brothers and sisters, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will ENDURE hard trials on this side of glory.  We can expect that, but we can also expect the Holy Spirit within us to help us ENDURE just like Jesus did. Remember, no suffering on this side of glory compares to the glory and JOY revealed when we see Jesus. NOTHING:





On this side of glory, Jesus said to count it ALL JOY. James 1:2 (ESV) Count it all joy my brothers (and sisters) when you encounter trials of various kinds.

But how do you choose joy when your heart is heavy, you feel broken, and you can't think about tomorrow because today is all you can handle?

Surrender to God. Surrendering to God is an act of humility, it’s admitting that you can’t and acknowledging that He can.

Trust God. Trust that He has a plan for you. Trust that He wants His best for you.

Your weeping may ENDURE for a night, but JOY comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5b.

Remember God's time is not our timing, so your night might seem long.  Like being married ten years before God opens your womb to bear fruit. And then you deliver your precious baby six months later, at two pounds three ounces, and with lots of complications. Yes, the night can be very long. 

Mighty Savior may your joy be our strength each and every day as we commit to trusting you with ALL our heart. Your way is perfect and when you have tried us we shall come forth as pure gold, amen!!

Mighty Savior may your joy be our strength each and every day as we commit to trusting you with ALL our heart. Your way is perfect and when you have tried us we shall come forth as pure gold, amen!!

But joy does come in the morning; there were many moments I was afraid and didn't know what would happen. Still, I held to God's unchanging hand. Now I praise Him, that two pound 3 ounce baby is 26 years old and God is doing great and mighty things in and through her life. I still have to trust Him moment by moment and even when things don't look good or feel good, I remember God is good.

Yes, you may be in a bad place or going through a hard time. Yes, your struggle IS real. But so is God and so are His promises!

To choose Joy, trust that where you are right now is not where God intends to leave you!

Cling to Him, and as you keep moving forward, watch for His blessings in your life. Stay prayerful. Keep Praising.  

Family Teresa and I encourage you right this moment, "choose JOY!" Philippians 4:4, says rejoice and again I say rejoice.

Important: If you are battling depression please seek professional help.  Never suffer in silence, tell someone, ask for & get help, you are not alone.


5 Practical Ways to Choose Joy
Click to view & download the 4x6 printable.

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Reminder, Equip, Encouragement Jannie Wilson Reminder, Equip, Encouragement Jannie Wilson

Diligently Seek Him


Dear Jesus, we need you right now and we are trusting you that you are at work in our lives for your glory, honor, and praise.  
We trust you with ALL our heart and we will not lean on our own understanding.
We stand with our brothers and sisters who are struggling to believe and we ask you right now to strengthen and encourage them in their hearts as only you can, in your name we pray, amen!!!

Dear brothers and sisters, don't stop believing what God has spoken to your hearts whether it has been:





Remember…God is a rewarder of those who don't stop seeking Him and believe all that He has declared over their life, in His Word, will come to pass. 

Have Him. Show faith…diligently. Activate faith…seek Him. Let this be your first response to the desire/need to “do something.”

Yes, your circumstances may be hard… but don’t give up!

Today seek Him while He may be found, call on Him while He is near!!!

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