The Thorn In My Side

Brothers & Sisters,

Graphic courtesy of YouVersion

Graphic courtesy of YouVersion

I encourage you to remain confident in God and faithful that ALL things truly work together for the good of those who love Him. Surrender to His will and plan for your life, 24/7/365. Yes, even when it’s hard. Today, I’m sharing a writing that my Mighty Savior (MS) gave me when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS.)

There is nothing like “a thorn in the side” to expose your mortality and reveal the limitations of your flesh.

I was diagnosed with MS in January 2010, since then, the limitations of my flesh have served as a constant reminder that this life is temporary. That it should be appreciated for the things that bring eternal rewards. Embracing an eternal perspective helps me to focus on what matters most… “relationships.”

Since my diagnosis my faith has increased and my relationship with God has been strengthened. My family has always been important to me, however, now I treasure my time with them even more. Loving people has always been the goal of my heart.

It is too easy to get distracted by day-to-day business. Too easy to forget to focus time and attention on relationships. Now I see the expense of not taking time to cultivate and develop a relationship with God and people. Treasuring people, taking time to make an eternal difference in someone’s life that’s important, that’s what we are created for.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Resisting the urge to focus on my limitations allows me to stay engaged with eternal weightier matters. No, it is not easy! But, each new day affords me a privilege and opportunity to use the resources that I do have to improve the quality of life for someone else. Perseverance and prayer have been the keys that help me inspire others to make an impact for eternity.

Life is short. Live on purpose.

So while this “thorn in my side,” painful, every day I choose to live on purpose for the Kingdom. Because…

is greater than
the diagnosis “MS”

I choose to inspire others to be motivated and to live with an eternal perspective. To encourage them to take the time to: be kind, to listen, to mentor, to pray with and for someone, to teach someone some of your life lessons.

As has been said, “if life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”
Just remember, you must choose, “how sweet to make the lemonade.”

The “thorn in my side” causes me to treasure each day I am given to make a difference for eternity! I am truly grateful for the journey that I am on.

What about you, how are you using the thorn in your side to make an eternal difference?


Diligently Seek Him


TODAY IS Your Do-over