Jannie Wilson Jannie Wilson

Count Your Blessings


Hello Family,

As the holiday approaches we know Thanksgiving Day looks different this year for a lot of people due to COVID and its impact on our daily life.  

Remember, God is good all the time 

Yes, even when things don't look or feel good. We encourage you, no we challenge you, to count your blessings. And, challenge those around you, your family, and friends to do the same. Consider using our free “Count Your Blessings” printable.


What we think really can show up in the way we act.  

So, while this Thanksgiving Day may look different, choose to see what you have to be thankful for.  If you cannot think of anything, dig deeper.

Encourage one another and build each other up
— ‭‭1 Thess‬ ‭5:11‬a‭(NIV‬‬)

Look for ways to bless those around you, those you cannot be with, and even those you may not know. Find creative ways to connect and bless others (call, video, prayer, delivery, etc.)

This Thanksgiving,
choose to be thanks-full.

Tell us, what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving? 🙏🏾

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Reminder, Encouragement, Faith, Family Jannie Wilson Reminder, Encouragement, Faith, Family Jannie Wilson

From Chaos to Creating Calm

Are you in chaos? We want to encourage you. Are you looking for calm? Turn to The Comforter to help you.

Dear Family, 

Is this a chaotic time for you?  Teresa & I, want to encourage you to reach out to others who can help and encourage YOU! It is important during this time that we don’t try to go this alone.  This is a time of physical distancing and creative social connecting.  


Are you looking for calm? Turn to the Comforter, He can lighten our load.  We pray extra patience during this time.  May we extend grace and mercy to our children during this time, our spouse, whoever we are shut in with, and to ourselves.

Fathers, Mothers, & caregivers, remember if you are struggling, most likely, so are your children.  Ask them.  Share, appropriately, your feelings.  Here are four things you can do to help them and you:

  1. Together, look for the many blessings that our loving merciful God has given us such as food, shelter, and the love of family and friends.   

  2. Count your blessings, make an actual list.  

  3. Then, look for creative ways to enjoy your blessings more. But don’t stop there!

  4. Look for more creative ways to reach out and share your blessing with others especially those who don’t have their basic needs met.  

Sons and daughters, you are so important during this time. You are young, full of life, and you matter. Be a blessing to your family, look for creative ways to bless others and encourage your peers.

Remember when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, it's up to you how sweet it is!  As you come to God ask Him for guidance and direction during this time.  God can be trusted, take Him at His Word, His yoke is easy.

What can you do this week to comfort and bless your family and reach out to others? 

Ask God to show you.  His burden is light, let Him use you to lighten someone else’s load.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
— Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
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Teresa Dabney Teresa Dabney

Praying Through a Crisis

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

While this situation we are in is new to us, it is not new to God. As you face the impact of this global crisis on your life, remember God’s word and stand on His promises. Yes, our world continues to change around us, but God has not. He remains our Rock and salvation, our provider and our Healer and so much more.

I’m sharing Pastor Tony Evans’ words on praying through a crisis as a reminder of the power of our collective prayers.

Family, keep praying! Have peace and take heart! Remember, He has overcome!

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