Jannie Wilson Jannie Wilson

Stand Firm

Brothers and sisters,

Have you found yourself up against what seems like a brick wall? Do your circumstances make it impossible to see anything except what is in front of you? Maybe you feel as though nothing is going to change? If so, don’t give up!

Dear Lord help me not be weary of doing good, give me the strength to stand firm on your Word. Help me moment by moment to be obedient to your Word, amen.


Brothers and sisters,

Have you found yourself up against what seems like a brick wall? Do your circumstances make it impossible to see anything except what is in front of you? Maybe you feel as though nothing is going to change? If so, don’t give up!

Stand firm on the Word of God - obey His Word even when it's hard. The very nature of allowing ourselves to be a living sacrifice is to extend God’s grace to others when they deserve it the least and we least feel like doing it. God’s word is the foundation.

Be immoveable. Let nothing move you - during the storms of life be rooted and grounded in God's Word. We become rooted and grounded when we cultivate our relationship with the Lord, by learning what His Word says, and applying it to our lives.

Surrender to the Lord. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, surrender to His Word 24/7/365 in your home, at work, at play. This takes “practice.” This is a “practice” living out what we say we believe. Giving ourselves over to allow the Lord to work on us, in us, and through us. As we work out your soul salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord.

Remember nothing is wasted. Your labor, in the Lord, is not in vain and nothing we do is wasted in God!!! Our God takes everything we offer and once applied to His purpose fulfills His intended need. We may not always be able to see the end result or the whole of it,

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