The Adoration Room

Hello Family,

In February the second room of the Lord’s prayer brings us into the Adoration Room. Adoration is defined as “deep love or respect. Worship.”


AuDIO Transcript

Hello Prayer Works Family

This is Janie and Teresa.

(Jannie) We're here to share with you some life application from the Adoration Room which we have been focusing on for the month of February

We would like for you to refer to the mini prayer study and journal that we sent out to you.

The scripture for the Adoration Room is

Holy be Thy name, Hallowed be thy name

The application is in all things give thanks. When things get tough it can be hard to enter the Adoration room, but worship does not mean we deny the pain of the hardship of our current circumstance. Teresa is going to give you a life application of being in the Adoration room doing a difficult time in her family's life.

(Teresa) Thank you Jannie and hello Prayer Works family. As Jannie said, it can be difficult to enter the Adoration Room, especially when we find ourselves in hard places. This past month our family experienced not one but two winter storms that hit Texas within days of each other.

We had intermittent electricity, slow or no internet service or cell service, and no fresh drinking water for almost a week. Just as things began to change for the good my daughter caught COVID and we had to adjust to care for her as well as take extra precautions for my 84-year old mother-in-love. It made me think of the Murphy's Law saying that was popular of years ago, “anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

And then I realized, there's a scripture for that!

John 16:33, “In this world, you will have trouble.” And then when I thought about that I realized that verse didn't begin there.

It begins with encouragement, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.”

And it ends with hope, “but take heart I have overcome the world.”

Each day that things did not return to normal made our situation seem less certain, more uncomfortable, and more challenging. I noticed myself beginning to lose focus. I started looking more at what was or wasn't happening and less at what I could and or should do.

Have you noticed that in your own situations in life?

That the longer it takes to get back to “normal” or to a certain level of comfort the harder it seems to stay focused on goals and priorities.

John 16:33 did give me some peace. I was reminded that the Adoration Room is not about where I am, my circumstance, or my situation.

The Adoration Room is about who God is!

Creator, Jehovah Jireh my provider, God omniscient, all-knowing, omnipresent, always here omnipotent, all-powerful. He is faithful and yes He is worthy of praise in the midst of my circumstances.

So I made a choice to enter the Adoration Room, to intentionally shift my focus to who God, to adore him, and to surrender my praise and worship to him.

As we continue through the 12 Rooms of Prayer we will move into rooms that do focus on our needs, but today take a moment to reflect and to enter the Adoration room fully focus on who God is.


Heavenly Father, creator of everything. I lift my prayers and my praise to you. You who are set apart and Holy. You are worthy to be praised and trusted. You are Abba and there is none like you. You are worthy and faithful.


Joy to the World


Observations From the Family Room