Find Joy

Dear Family, 

Are you feeling the Christmas spirit?  Or, do you feel more like Scrooge than you care to admit?  The Christmas season can be filled with visual & emotional triggers.  

Some take us to places in our memories that are warm and cozy and some do the opposite.   Others cast a shadow that stalks the perimeter of our day (or life.) It’s there and even though you can’t see it it’s close enough to shade almost every encounter. Close enough to that we feel disconnected from the moment we are experiencing or the relationships we are a part of. Making it hard to engage. Hard to enjoy what we have.

In part 1 of this 3 part series, Jannie and I want to talk about “Joy.”  Specifically, we want to remind you of your ability to find it, challenge you to choose it, and encourage you to share it.

IMPORTANT:  Please note that Jannie & are “coaches”, we are not counselors.  If you are battling depression please seek professional help.  Never suffer in silence, tell someone, ask for & get help, you are not alone.

Roman's 15:13 (NIV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Remember, “It’s in there!” the old Ragu commercial (look it up) used to say.  Well joy, unlike happiness, is inside.  

We all enjoy being happy and there’s nothing wrong with that.  But, it’s important to distinguish between the two and understand that our happiness is swayed by and dependent on external factors like events, situations, people, places or things. (Sandra L Brown, MA Psychology Today)

But family, as Christians as we grow in our relationship with God we can grow in our understanding of the power instilled in us through Christ’s death and resurrection…  

Joy doesn’t have to be found but rather accepted, because it’s already inside you. But, how do we do this when we are tired, hurt, angry, suffering, or unhappy? Joy does not displace those feelings but lightens their load.  Joy helps us to praise him through our circumstances.

Roman’s 15:13 says it comes “as we trust God” ...PAUSE, think about just that.  

So, what is blocking your joy?  Do you trust God with it?

Not just in your understanding of what you want or don’t want.  But do you trust Him enough to surrender to the outcome He has planned, that you may not see nor understand? 

Remember, if you want to find joy, trust God.


Roman's 15:13 13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Choose Joy

