Choose to Love


Help me to choose love when...   
what I hear offends me, 
what I see, seems like all there is 
and, what I feel wants to lead me. 

Help me to choose 
faith over fear
hope over helplessness

Help me
to Love like Christ.


It’s a simple command…”love one another…” (John 13:34) but not an easy one to practice. And yes, choosing to love takes “practice!”

It takes repeated loving actions before choosing to love becomes the first choice. And, even so, I find I still don’t get it right on the first attempt. But what I know is if I give up practicing I definitely will never get it right.

Now there is no one way to practice choosing to love but here are 7 I offer:

7 Ways You Can Choose To Love:

  1. Hug your mom or dad or send them a thinking of you card.

  2. Give up your spot on line.

  3. Ask the person if they need help.

  4. Call the friend who talks your ear off and just listen.

  5. Pray for the next person who cuts you off in traffic

  6. Pray for your spouse and their day, then tell them.

  7. The next time your kid makes you angry pray Proverbs 22:6.

Regardless of what you do, or don’t do, just remember…you choose.

What are ways you practice choosing to love?


Stand Firm